Hello I am Jason. No I am not the star of the Transporter or the Transporter 2. His name is actually spelled differently, although no one seems to know that. This website is basically some information about having sex with various celebrities, as well as some serious journalistic reporting on how Jennifer Love Hewitt, noted actress and singer, has been responsible for building and shaping the Internet as we know it today. Sometime when I have had too much to drink, ask me why I think writing about celebrities is the new poetic dialect.

Later on there will probably be other stuff that I write about here. Who can say. Not me.

I am “ghostwhispers” on twitter.

And here, this is a contact form:

3 Responses to “About”

  1. matt Says:

    it’s too bad you aren’t that jason stratham.
    if you were, i’d totally have sex with you.

  2. Ria Says:

    Ditto @ Matt.

  3. disembedded Says:

    Word is gay or GLBT, not homosexual….

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